Photography Workshops & Cultural Immersions Celebrating beauty in sacred places around the world
In India
(use the left & right arrows for each group below to view more examples)
Exploring & Appreciating Mexico
Walking in the Nepalese Himalaya
Landscape Photography & The Natural Elements
Practice with a photo-coach in an amazing place!
Improve your photography while deepening your international travel experience. Practice looking a little closer, seeing a little more deeply, figuring out more ways to distill the essence of the experience into a moment, an image that speaks to one's heart.
What makes this a little different is that in these workshops, we ground into the place and practice opening our eyes a little wider, allowing the senses to be more receptive, more curious. Day after day, we practice witnessing, making images through experience and inspirations, subtle invitations and heartfelt resonances. We practice photo editing and the workflow to getting an image from camera and the peak moment experienced to presentation so that it looks it's best.
And we figure out through this process, how we can improve and better communicate the image we have in our mind's eye for the next day. How to fine tune and make stronger images the next time we're out. When one allows for this kind of time, attention & intention, and this celebration of the creative process, one can make images that feel more meaningful. And with some practice such as this, in digging a little deeper, one consistently will have more richer & more meaningful travel experiences -- beyond the photograph.
Through this process, the student sees more clearly, feels more directly and cultivates deeper connections to their creative process. It's a great catalyst to have an experienced travel photographer & trained teacher with you -- to nudge you forward in your photographic & life journey.
The Sacred Rivers Of India
Yoga & Meditation Intensives
Walking In The Himalayas
Walking In The Himalayas
Ancient Temples In Thailand
Underwater & Waves
2022 Update: Due to recent travel restrictions, slowdowns, lock-downs, and other life unpredictabilities & challenges, workshops and other photo immersions have slowed down (to a standstill). If you're an interested student, let me know where you would like to do an immersion. If travel is possible, we can schedule an individual or small group experience. I expect things to become gradually more and more easeful and open. The world is so diverse and amazing. In every country that can be traveled, there are amazing places, people and experiences. Let us feel in our hearts a healthier & happier humanity, less fearful and more relaxed, more abundance and security for all -- and for our ourselves.
error: This creative content is protected. Many of these images may be available for your personal enjoyment, please contact the artist for prints and stock image usage. Thanks for your understanding and support!